Machine Learning Projects using Python #3.! Programming World

Section 3: Create a Custom Newsfeed

Machine Learning Projects using Python #3.! Programming World

3.1 Creating a Supervised Training Set with the Pocket App

To create a model, we have to first have a training dataset. We will use the pocket app for this.
·         Install the pocket chrome extension.
·         Use the pocket API to retrieve stories.

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3.2 Using the API to Download Story Bodies

You can't move forward with just the URLs of the stories. You would need the full article. So let's check out how to do that in this video.
·         Sign up for API access.
·         Feed plain text to the model.

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3.3 Natural Language Processing Basics

Machine learning models work on numerical data. So we will need to transform our text into numerical data using NLP.
·         Convert the corpus into a BOW representation. Remove stop words.
·         Use the tf-idf algorithm. Convert the training set into a tf-idf matrix.

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3.4 Support Vector Machines

You will learn about the linear support vector machine in this video. The SVM algorithm separates data points linearly into classes.
·         Feed the tf-idf matrix into the SVM.

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3.5 IFTTT Integration with Feeds, Google Sheets, and E-mail

We have provided a training dataset. But we also need a stream of articles as a testing dataset to run our model against.
·         Set up news feeds and Google sheets.
·         Pull down articles using a Python library.
·         Make changes if necessary and rebuild the model.

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3.6 Setting Up Your Daily Personal Newsletter

It would make life easier if you get a personalized e-mail of your stories, right? So you will learn how to do that in this video.
·         Create a recipe. Receive a web request and create a trigger.
·         Generate a script that will send us articles daily.

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Section 4

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