Python Modules - Beginning Python.! Programming World

Section 7: Modules

Python Modules - Beginning Python

7.1          Import, as, and from
Get introduced to the “import”, “from”, and “as” keywords.
·         See a demo of importing the math module
·         Take a look at the difference between importing and importing with from
·         Know when to use the “as” keyword while importing something

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7.2          Python API and Modules
Get introduced to the Python API and reading docs.
·         Showcase the Python standard library modules on the website
·         See a demo of how to import something from a Python standard module and use it
·         Learn to copy a file using the shutil module

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7.3          Creating Modules
Create your own modules.
·         Walk the viewer through how to create a simple module to compute the volume of simple solids
·         Import the new created module
·         Have an example of how to use a function in the new module

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7.4          Modules and Testing
Take advantage of the module structure to test code.
·         Take a look at a demo of what if __name__ == ‘__main__’ is and why it is used
·         See how to test code in a module using if __name__ == ‘__main__’

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