Python String Manipulation - Beginning Python.! Programming World

Section 2: String Manipulation

Python String Manipulation - Beginning Python.

2.1          Introduction to Strings
In this video, you will be introduced to single-quote and double-quote strings. Also, we will take a look at the usage of triple quotes.
·         Do A demo of what a string is
·         Explain difference between single quotes and double quotes
·         Take a look at an example of how to use triple quotes

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2.2          String Functions
Introduce basic string functions.
·         Do a demo of how to use a simple method, such as upper and lower
·         Have an example of how to use another method, such as capitalize
·         Learn what the Python string API is

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2.3          Advanced String Manipulation
Demonstrate advanced string manipulation methods.
·         Do a demo of how to use the count function
·         Have an example of how to use the replace function

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2.4          String Formatting
Demonstrate how to use the .format method.
·         Take a look at a demo of basic formatting (using integer/floats as examples)
·         Learn more advanced formatting using strings and padding
·         Know how to format with named arguments

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2.5 User Input
Print and display someone’s name in a particular format.
·         Get user input
·         Capitalize input names
·         Format the strings using the .format method from the previous video

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Python Lists
Click Here for Section 3

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